Friday, November 7, 2008

A bit of fever...island fever that is.

So I didn't end up going to Portugal. Apparently my vacation to London got in the way of that assignment.....poo on UOP.

Loooon-don Toon, mate
In recap of the last month of my life.... I went to London for my cousin's wedding which was pretty sweet. The whole thing was a three-weekend long extravaganza, but I only went to the actually wedding parts of it (aren't long indian weddings the darndest?) I got to see family that I hadn't seen in the amount of time it takes someone to forget who you are. I also got a bit of sightseeing in (a nice little town outside of London). I was mostly busy with the wedding so it wasn't all THAT much fun. The wedding was at the site of the 2012 Olympic Games just SouthEast of Central London which was pretty amazing in itself. I did manage to sneak away from the madness and enjoy some refreshing Carling, the UK's smoothest , best tasting lager (in my opinion).

Pictures from the week-long trip (sign up for a snapfish account to look at these pics: 1) London and Wedding and 2) More Wedding/ Family

If you really want to know who people in my family are or any other details of what I did, just ask. You can also 'just ask' if you are just plain bored because you have nothing better to do while working in the American Express Fraud or Collections Departments or are sitting behind a motel desk pretending like you're working (ha!).

Christiansted, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands....mon
After heading back to Chicago for a bit, I came down to St. Croix in the Virgin Islands for my first assignment at the Hovensa Refinery. For those of you who don't know where St. Croix is, or don't really know what it looks like, see below... I've included Miami, Florida, for reference--courtesy of google maps.

I have been here for almost two weeks and have managed to accomplish the following things:
1) Driving on the left-hand side of the road efficiently. It's actually a lot of fun.
2) Take a wave head-on and launch myself 7-8 feet into the air on a waverunner.
3) Then effectively trying to be a badass, cutting a wave so aggressively that it catapulted me into the air doing a backflip into the water at ~35 mph. Hilarity ensued.
4) Getting my rental car stuck in a ditch at about a 30-40 degree angle from the surface. Hilarity does not ensue.
5) Being told I have nice arms by a 50 (or 60) year old man and his wife at the local gym.
6) Learning to say my 't's' as 'd's', replacing things ending in 'r' with things ending in 'a', saying 'mon' and 'ya', and my personal favorite, saying 'everything airy?'
7) Making small talk with locals only to be looked at with the 'what the hell race are you?' look thereafter.
8) Witnessing a flash flood during a tropical rain storm where the road that flooded is back to normal after 30 minutes of the rain stopping.
9) A bottle of Hypnotiq being cheaper than a case of water.

....theres more to come. I will post pictures when I get the chance.