Saturday, April 18, 2009

London, UK and An Interesting Story

So there I am today walking down the street minding my own when a douche Dutch bike cop comes up and screeches his tires in front of me. Yeah, as if that didn't piss me off enough.

Then, two other cops come from behind and on the side surrounding me so I can't pass. The head douche rambles something in Dutch where I interrupt and respond 'Sorry can you speak in English?' He says 'Can I see some identification? And empty your pockets.' I comply with 'Ok, What is the problem?' With no answer, he then starts talking on his walkie talkie to another cop in Dutch... probably giving them my description or whatever. At this point I was somewhere between 'wtf' and 'What is the deal?' Then I asked him again, 'What is the trouble?' Finally he answers by saying that they had a pickpocket in the area and I matched the description with what I was wearing. As filler, the cop behind me starts asking me where I'm from and what I do. I obligingly answer, with really just wanting to say, 'What does it matter to you, doucheface?'

Then they started to searched me. Oh joy. I'd always wanted hot women to take notice of me on the street, but definitely not in this manner. I estimated around 100-150 people with a blank stare on their faces contemplating the same thing I was. So then the original douche then took down my information and ends with a 'Thank you for your cooperation.' In the back of my mind I say 'Yeah, thanks dickhead, go find a murderer or rapist and stop wasting your time on me.' Honestly, I think it was just "Screw The Foreigner Day because after they left me, they stopped an honest looking asian man a few minutes later. Talk about profiling. Oh how I love this place.

In other news, I went to London again this past weekend to see family and my niece. Europeans take days off for Good Friday and the Monday after...Not bad for me since I really don't know the significance of Easter and got some time off for it. There weren't too many pics from either time I went to London, but here are the links.

London-March '09
London-April '09

Next stop: Barcelona and Madrid, Spain. I'll update when the shenanigans cease.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Belgium... again

So during the first weekend of April, I decided to meet up with Novotny once again in Brussels. This was a good call. I got there Friday night and it was directly out for dinner and a well-known American bar in Brussels called 'Delirium'. They have over 400 kinds of European beer. Nuff said. The next day it was off to Antwerp to meet up a few friends of his at a nightclub. Even better call. European women are ridiculously gorgeous.. too bad my French, Dutch, and German are pretty non-existent. Oh yeah, and these places make trance and electronic house music so much fun to jive to. Got back to Brussels in time for the sun to rise. Baller status:check.
